Straight White American Jesus

A podcast on religion and politics hosted by Daniel Miller and Bradley Onishi, ex-ministers who are now scholars of religion.

Weekly Roundup: Reviving the Lost Cause – the Real Meaning of Trump’s Refusal to Concede + Biden’s Religious Voters + SCOTUS and Obama Care

Dan begins by explaining why Biden didn’t underperform and why emotionally this should feel like a big win 

He and Brad also discuss the White religious voters who fled Trump for Biden and why it is/and is not a big deal 

They touch on SCOTUS and the Affordable Care Act, including the surprising comments from Justice Kavanaugh 

The bulk of the episode is then spent on discussing the real meaning behind Trump’s refusal to concede. Dan explains why a hard coup is not imminent; Brad sets what he calls Trump’s “Lost Pause” in the context of the “Lost Cause,” the myth and civil religion that emerged from the Confederacy and eventually shaped Southern politics and culture for a century. 

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