Straight White American Jesus

A podcast on religion and politics hosted by Daniel Miller and Bradley Onishi, ex-ministers who are now scholars of religion.

Weekly Roundup: God’s Chosen Is Above the Law

On the eve of the Iowa caucuses, Brad and Dan first take stock of two wild but related claims by Trump: He is immune from the law and chosen by God to enact it. Sounds more like a medieval monarch than a democratically elected president . . .

In the second segment, the two hosts analyze how Iowa, the center of American politics this weekend, became deeply red while its neighbors – Illinois and Minnesota and Michigan, and to some extent Wisconsin – have trended blue and progressive. It’s a matter of an urban/rural divide with a racial element and a heavy dose of generational difference.

Finally, Dan digs back into issue surrounding trans care in Ohio and outlines the disgusting playbook anti-trans legislators are using there – it’s a warning for the rest of the country.

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