Straight White American Jesus

A podcast on religion and politics hosted by Daniel Miller and Bradley Onishi, ex-ministers who are now scholars of religion.

Weekly Roundup: America’s Tense Moment

In the week before the election, Brad and Dan begin with another chapter of Falwell’s Follies. Dan then explains why the polls are similar, but different from 2016 and how Trump’s surrender to COVID has hurt his reelection chances. Brad expands on his explanation of why the Supreme Court should be expanded by providing numbers on how many unfit and inexperienced judges–including ACB–Trump and McConnell have pushed through, explaining how the Senate process has been tainted, and reminding everyone that Trump lost by 3 million votes. 

From there, they spend time on a host of Christian nationalism stories–from Patriot churches, to GOP officials riding around with Bibles and guns to protest COVID safety measures, and finally the immoral Trumpism of theologian Wayne Grudem. 

The episode finishes with analysis of Paula White’s editorial in Christianity Today and how it symbolizes Evangelicals’ ongoing commitment to Christian nationalism and the Trump presidency. 

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