Straight White American Jesus

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The Democrats, Religion, and Secular Voters

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In the aftermath of the 2024 elections, Democrats are grappling with how to approach religion in a political landscape dominated by a GOP turned Christian nationalist party loyal to Donald Trump. Should they attempt to position themselves as the party of God, or is there a better path forward? In this episode, Sarah Levin, founder of Secular Strategies and a member of the Democratic National Committee’s Interfaith Council, discusses how secular Democrats are collaborating with people of faith to create a truly inclusive big tent. Sarah explores why imitating GOP-style religious politics is a losing strategy and explains how language around morality and shared values can bridge divides between believers and nonbelievers. We dive into the unifying potential of issues like voting rights, democracy, and protecting immigrants, and why the way forward is not about putting God back into the Democratic Party but building a vision of justice and inclusion for all Americans.


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